(open your eyes)

(open your eyes)

Monday, August 16, 2010

¡Ayudé a construir una casa!

The first night Sonia and I arrived in Honduras we went to dinner with our fellow Unite For Sight Volunteers and an American couple (Mark and Lori).  Through the course of dinner I soon learned that I was amongst some incredible people.  My fellow volunteers.......well they are simple the  best.  And Mark and Lori may be some of the most compassionate and loving people I have met.  Mark and Lori live and volunteer their time and skills in Honduras.  (The couple were long time friends with a past Unite For Sight volunteer who was still in town.)    Mark builds homes for needy families (needy being a huge understatement) and Lori runs an organization that works to empower women.  At dinner we expressed interest in helping Mark build a house and last Saturday was our chance to do just that!

Below are few pictures of the house we built:  

The family we built the house for was previously living in the "shelter" to the right.

It has poured nearly every day since I have been here.  Translation - With a "shelter" like this one, the family living here has been rained on, with no where to go, everyday since I have been here. 

The 12' by 12' shelter is coming along! 

Once again someone is taking the hammer away from Sonia.  She was just to dangerous with it! :-)

Helping to put the roof up! 

Max and I relaxing and feeling accomplished atop the roof we just completed!    

Sonia looking out the single window of the house.  Note the beautiful view.  Property like this would go for a pretty penny in the states.   

When the house was finished all the little kids were excited and running around everywhere!  It was nothing short of chaos.  I'm playing a form of tag here.

To the left is the family we built the house for.  They were so very thankful.  When the house was finally built......many tears of happiness were shed by the family.

 It started pouring not even 20 minutes after we finished the house..........they were dry :-)

Max, Me, Mark, Sonia, Lori, Sherrie

Again note the amazing view!

I'm so happy and blessed to know each one of the beautiful people to the right!

The work I did building the house was very different from the basic eye care I have been providing on outreaches and at the clinic in Tegus but it was equally enjoyable and rewarding.   It seems my smile is here to stay in Honduras :-) 

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